Wholemeal Zeas Flakes - 400gr - Antonopoulos Farm

In Stock

Wholemeal hot flakes come from a local indigenous organic variety. Nutritional benefits: -Rich source of magnesium / phosphorus , selenium and zinc-Good source of lysine-Rich source of protein-Contributes to the prevention and control of the most effective Rich source of fiber. Fiber contributes to the proper functioning of the gut , to maintain a normal weight , helps prevent and control diabetes more effectively , helps lower cholesterolGood source of B vitamins.How can I consume them? -Can you consume together with milk in your breakfast or with a vegetable drink (eg almond milk , walnut , rice etc) -You can even add them to your yogurt or smoothies.-You can use them as an ingredient to make homemade bars , cookies , cakes , breadsticks and all kinds of pastries. -You can use them for breading or as an ingredient in food instead of toast and flour (eg in burgers , in pies or for schnitzel).

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edo vazo systatika
Διατροφική δήλωσηΑνά 100gr/ml
Ενέργεια N/A
Λιπαρά N/A 
Εκ των οποίον κορεσμένα N/A
Υδατάνθρακες N/A
Εκ των οποίον σάκχαρα N/A
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Wholemeal Zeas Flakes -...

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